Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Wreath of Roses

It's still 100+ degrees outside and yes, we are still in August, but I just cannot wait for fall! I've never been more ready than I am this year. Chris thinks it's crazy to get down the fall decor while it's 100 degrees outside, and that's ok, because now I have an excuse to make/buy more! ;) Just kidding, honey. Kinda. Anyway, here is my latest fall craft. I found this tutorial from http://theprettypoppy1.blogspot.com/2010/07/pretty-little-rosie-wreath.html and fell in love. It's simple, and I like simple. I did add some fall leaves, just to dress it up a little. It's perfectly perfect just the way it is, but just decided to have some fun with the leaves and I loved the results. Come Christmas, I may add some holly and cranberries. Easter, maybe some decorative eggs. This wreath is completely transitional all year round! Anyway, hope you like and maybe receive some inspiration from it! Hurry up Autumn!!!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Power of a curl stick

I've had many clients or just random people ask me how I achieve different looks when it comes to my curls. Normally, I use a curling iron on my hair because it is the quickest and easiest way for me to curl my own hair. All the moms out there know how time is of the essence when you have little ones, so for me, that is usually the route I go. Now, there are times when I want a totally different outcome than the everyday so I will spend a little extra tlc on my locks. Using a CURL STICK is a really fun way to spice up your curls when you have that extra time. What many people don't know is how to manipulate those curls to create different looks. You can also manipulate curls from a curling iron in the same way, but today I wanted to do a different more "s wave" curl. Remember these tips though when you are working with a curling iron, because although you will still get a different type of curl, you still manipulate the curl in the same manner.

Outcome 1: This is the result after curl sticking the entire head in sections and leaving the curls be. No loosening at all. Depending on the density of your hair, will result in how many sections you take.

Outcome 2: This was created after letting my curls cool or set first, then taking a light detailing cream (I use Aquage Detailing cream) and gently breaking up the curls with your fingers. Do NOT rake the curls with your fingers, just gently smooth with the product and pull on them slightly.

Outcome 3: This is probably my favorite. Taking a brush or wide toothed comb, you will gently brush out the curl. This creates the softest look, which is why I love it so. After brushing it out you may want to take the detailing cream to smooth down your softened tresses, to help with the overall flow of the hair. Then of course a very faint spray of hairspray could always help lock it down. Only lightly though, with a flexible hold. Remember, softness is key. Now you have your soft, ultra feminine, retro-esque curl.

Then, if you want to get a little crazy, take outcome 2 then take each curl, one hand holding the bottom of the curl and the other hand pushing strands of hair up between two fingers. Make sense? You are trying to create a messier look by doing this and are pretty much back combing with your fingers. Think of it as adding more texture, volume, and sort of an edgy look to it. Below is a picture where I did this to my hair before attending the NAHA awards in Vegas.

So there you go! Happy curling!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Gwyneth Rose: Rosey headband

I've finally decided to start making Gwyneth's headbands and clips. For the average mom it's probably not that hard, but I feel like I don't have a crafty bone in my body so if I'm going to try tackling it, it better be easy. I mean effortless. I love the look of rolled cloth flowers and the different look different fabrics give them. I found this blog.... http://jonesdesigncompany.com/flowers/rolled-fabric-flowers-tutorial/ and thought their instructions were super easy. Now that I've practiced and mastered, I'm totally obsessed making them. Here are a couple photos of my beautiful model, Gwyneth. This was made of cream felt, that I attached tool backing to.

If my model cooperates, there should be more photos to come! Happy crafting!

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Cale: Officially a 1st grader!

Last Friday Cale started 1st grade! I'm still getting use to the idea of kindergarten, how can 1st grade already be here? He was super ready and super excited. He was really looking forward to eating in the cafeteria for the first time, being at school all day instead of half, getting his own hair product for his bathroom so he could fix his own hair, and his very own alarm clock to start learning responsibility. Never too early, you know?

Last year, I took a photo just like this one as he walked to his first day of kindergarten.

Of course I had to get a pic with my big boy on his big day...

And sister too....

I bought a yard sign to show our school spirit. Wildcat Pride! :)

This year I didn't get to walk him to his classroom because we had to meet in the gym first. So here is him with his new classmates. Took him a little bit to warm up, but it was in no time he made new friends.

I feel like first grade is your first real start to school. I can remember 1st grade so well, and all the special friendships I made. Some of the friends he makes this year will move away throughout the years and some he will celebrate his high school graduation with. It's such a special time, and I want to make it as memorable and special as I can for him.

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